Community Services

Community Trends in Renewable Energy

With the recent drop in the cost of many renewable electricity generation technologies as well as availability of the BC Hydro Net Metering Program and introduction of the Micro Standing Offer Program, many communities are developing plans not only to reduce energy use but to install renewable energy generation systems to offset grid electricity which is rapidly increasing in cost.

First Nations are currently leading BC in this trend and we expect more municipalities to follow. If your community would like to explore the opportunities, contact us to discuss your needs and vision.

Depending on the community specifics, we may even be able to help you access funding or other support for your project.

Community Projects

In the first stages of bringing your project to life, Your Company Name can help you put together a target implementation schedule and determine the key milestones required to ensure success. Your Company Name can also assist with optimizing the conceptual design of your project and with determining realistic budgets.

Current Projects

Explore Our Newsroom

Keep up to date on all the latest wind, hydro, solar and tidal energy projects and initiatives here at Your Company Name.

Get In Touch

We can also teleconference! Contact us for more information.

Your Company Name Inc.

5555 Something Drive, Your City, British Columbia, Canada  V2T 2G2

Tel: 1-555-555-5555  |  Fax: 1-555-555-5555

Community Wellness Through Clean Energy

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