Our Services

Established Project Development Firms


Specific Project Engineering & Management Support Services

Your firm is experienced and has one or more installations using proven technology. In fact, your business is now taking off, your current commitments are pushing your internal engineering resources beyond their limits, and you require a little extra engineering support. Alternately, your firm may recently be expanding to western Canada and you are looking for local knowledge to help establish your presence.

In either case, Your Company Name can help by providing specific project engineering and management support services at any time during your project, from conceptual development to installation and commissioning.

Manage & Liase

Your Company Name can manage your multi-discipline detail engineering team and environmental consultants and liaise with regulators. If you already have adequate project management in place, Your Company Name can provide project engineering support or local representation to monitor site activities.


Well Established Relationships

With well established relationships on the British Columbia west coast, SRM Projects can access a variety of skilled local technical, manufacturing and construction resources which can assist in the efficient installation of your project.

Cost Effective Quality Assurance

For Vancouver Island and the surrounding area, Your Company Name can also provide cost effective quality assurance, including field inspection and monitoring services as well as shop equipment inspection services.

Explore Our Newsroom

Keep up to date on all the latest wind, hydro, solar and tidal energy projects and initiatives here at Your Company Name.

Get In Touch

We can also teleconference! Contact us for more information.

Your Company Name Inc.

5555 Something Drive, Your City, British Columbia, Canada  V2T 2G2

Tel: 1-555-555-5555  |  Fax: 1-555-555-5555

Community Wellness Through Clean Energy

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