Our Services

New and Growing Project Development Firms


Cost Effective Project Engineering for New & Growing Firms

Your firm has some great sites reserved, but can’t yet support the cost of your own project engineering staff. In addition, the higher overhead of the larger engineering firms doesn’t help in stretching out your scarce venture capital or the limited government funding you have managed to earn.

Your Company Name can assist your budding development firm in providing cost-effective project engineering and management services, from conceptual development right on through to installation and commissioning.

Target Implementation Schedule

In the first stages of bringing your project to life, Your Company Name can help you put together a target implementation schedule and determine the key milestones required to ensure success. Your Company Name can also assist with optimizing the conceptual design of your project and with determining realistic budgets.

Manage & Liase

Your Company Name can manage associate engineering and environmental consultants and liaise with regulators, on your behalf, to keep your project moving swiftly through the preliminary design and approvals stage while allowing you to focus on securing an electricity purchase agreement and the capital needed for installation.

A Winning Team

Once the capital and approvals are in place, Your Company Name can then help you assemble a winning detail design and construction team and then direct that team independently, on your behalf, to successfully bring your project to fruition.

Explore Our Newsroom

Keep up to date on all the latest wind, hydro, solar and tidal energy projects and initiatives here at Your Company Name.

Get In Touch

We can also teleconference! Contact us for more information.

Your Company Name Inc.

5555 Something Drive, Your City, British Columbia, Canada  V2T 2G2

Tel: 1-555-555-5555  |  Fax: 1-555-555-5555

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